
The Song of Sirim

Author Gertcel Davydov

The plot of the fall and the expulsion of the first people from paradise for centuries captivated the imagination, caused a lot of thought and discussion.


But there were those who claimed that the story in the Garden of Eden is allegorical. It conceals a secret meaning, allegorically describing a series of events that took place in the higher, spiritual world, which led to the emergence of the material world.

The book “The Song of Sirim” reveals the Gnostic plot of the fall, complemented by Kabbalistic motifs. This ancient story will help to better understand the meaning of the events in the Garden of Eden and the subsequent exile, redemption, and the coming of the Messiah. (ISBN: 978-5-4496-6019-0. (16+)).



The Song of Sirim

(first chapters of the book. Text translated by Google Translate)



On a spur of a high cliff stood a magnificent palace of white stone. It was almost impossible for random travelers to get to it: on three sides it was protected by sheer cliffs, and on the fourth there was an impassable forest.

The palace was called the Pleroma and belonged to the ancient family of Aeons, who ruled there from its very foundation. The throne passed from father to son. Upon ascending the throne, they vowed to honor the laws received by the founder of the clan Nus from the Infinite, the great Pioneer, the Creator of everything. The inhabitants of the Pleroma were happy - His commandments for many centuries allowed everyone to live in peace and harmony.

The descendants of Nus possessed immortality. Their distinguishing feature was the eagle wings on the back, bestowed by the Pathfinder.

After birth, the Aeons quickly developed and in a few days acquired the appearance of young men or women of twenty years. Their youth lasted for centuries. When the time approached and the heir to the throne acquired a companion, the tsar father, resigning his powers, transferred the board to the young couple. The kings did not die, but went with their wives to the Upper Garden high in the mountains, which was called Marom. This was revered as a special honor, because there they could come closer to the Pioneer and find eternal peace, spiritual peace and harmony.

After the last royal couple went to Marom, Telet and his wise wife Sophia ruled the palace. The calf, who inherited the throne several centuries ago, with particular trepidation and humility honored the laws of the First-Father. He was considered a worthy successor to the dynasty and, like his forefathers, dreamed of transferring the throne to the next pair of Aeons and going with his wife to Marom. His power was not complete - he convened a council consisting of twenty-six Aeons, Telets and Sophia, as well as ten pairs of crown princes with spouses, who were in the Pleroma and descended on special occasions from the Upper Garden, two king forefathers with their wives. The Council of Aeons, gathering in the palace temple, made all the important decisions.

In the courtyard of the Pleroma, Oneg Garden grew - "pleasure", which was also called the Lower Garden. Birds of unprecedented beauty sang there, and the animals coexisted peacefully. The river of Eternity flowed in the garden, originating in Marom. Its water nourished the roots of the tallest tree growing in the middle of the garden, the Tree of Life, and could heal any ailment that allowed the Aeons to live forever. Behind the eastern door of the Onega Garden was a long stone staircase. Its steps led to Kenoma - a deep mountain valley, the steep slopes of which were covered with dense forest.

According to legend, the entrance to Kenoma was guarded by an ancient serpent and death awaited everyone who left the palace and crossed the bridge the abyss that separated the Pleroma from Kenoma.

Despite the fact that the eastern door of the garden, leading to the foot of the cliff, was not guarded by anyone, the inhabitants of the palace humbly complied with the instructions of the Pioneer and did not leave the Pleroma. So that the descendants did not even have thoughts of breaking the ban, Nus, the forefather of the Aeons, ordered to boom up the windows facing the forest. From their chambers, rulers and other Aeons could admire the views of the central square of the palace, the temple, as well as the Onega Garden itself. The courtiers lived in a building specially erected for them and were pleased with their service in the palace.

The reign of Telet passed peacefully. Aeons inhabiting the Pleroma, as was customary for centuries, visited the palace temple three times a day, where they sang hymns praising the Creator.

All the Aeons knew how much Telet loved Sofia. Recently, they have offered prayers for the imminent birth of the heir to the throne, and the Firstfather finally heard their prayers.



The whole Pleroma eagerly awaited the main holiday - the Day of obtaining the laws of the Pioneer. Aeons, along with the high priest of the temple, who was named Melchizedek, carefully prepared for the evening service. The foundations in the palace have not changed for thousands of years, since the founder of the clan Nus, in search of the Initial, arrived on this rock and, reflecting on the Creator of the world under a tall tree, he heard a voice from heaven. The one and Unknowable First-Father revealed to Nus under the name Bitos, gave a code of laws and ordered to lay a white stone palace and temple on that very spot. The holiday was dedicated to this event and was celebrated annually.

Nus and his wife Aletheya were given special honor and were in close proximity to the Pioneer, so they no longer went down to the Pleroma. According to tradition, the forefather Logos and his wife Zoë revered their presence in the palace temple. Logos was the only son of Nus, it was he who laid the foundation for the Pleroma and its structure and, unlike his father, followed the events in the palace.

When the time came for evening prayer, together they went to the palace temple. The high priest led the service, and the assembled Aeons, following the rite, read texts and sang hymns, praising the wisdom and mercy of the First Father. The inhabitants of the Pleroma considered Melchizedek a connecting thread with the Supreme Creator, the Origin. None of the Aeons after Nus received the direct revelations of Bitos.

At the end of the prayer, Melchizedek, having removed the veil, went into a special room where the Creator appeared to him and proclaimed his will. When he returned, he said that the First-Father was satisfied with the service and promised that if they continue to honor Him and fulfill the laws given to Him, the kind of Aeons will last until the end of time.

Residents of the Pleroma rejoiced. The Aeons once again praised Bitos and the forefather Nus, realizing that only by the grace of the founder of the clan, the righteous Nus, who was in Marom, they inherited such a wonderful kingdom and enjoyed the grace of the Firstfather. At the end of the service, as in previous years, Telet gave a magnificent reception.

After the meal, Melchizedek went to the temple, and the forefather Logos took the floor and thanked Bitos for this holiday and the opportunity to get together. Everything went as in previous years. Laudatory speeches were given to the glory of Bitos and the forefather Nus, when suddenly the Logos, who did not want to restrain his indignation, shared with his descendants the discontent that the words of the First Father were told to the Aeonam by the high priest Melchizedek. He was indignant that Bitos, who had chosen Nus and honored his revelation, remained unknown to the rest of the Aeons, and that even to him, created at the beginning of everything, Logos, the first resident of the Pleroma, the son of the great Nus, the Creator is incomprehensible. Turning to his descendants, the Logos asked whether this was true, because they did not blame the Pathfinder for anything.

The Aeons, who themselves sometimes thought about it, were surprised at the frankness of the Logos. For them, for centuries in peace and harmony, such an outrage of the forefather came as a surprise. According to the legend that Nus informed the Logos, and that one to his descendants, the Firstfather will again be revealed to the Aeons if they will faithfully serve him, like Nus himself. Despite the fact that for many centuries the Aeons humbly complied with the laws of Bitos, and also unquestioningly followed the requirements transmitted by the Creator through Melchizedek, the Firstfather was no longer revealed. But they drove away such thoughts from themselves so as not to fall into sin, and were ready to continue to humbly wait for the time for the fulfillment of the prophecy. Logos considered this unfair and wanted to find support from his descendants. The Logos publicly extolled Nus, but was secretly convinced that he had done no less for the glory of Bitos and deserved the revelation of the Pioneer.

The Aeons who gathered at the table that evening tried to figure out what the forefather Logos said: a sense of justice, pride or envy. The last two feelings were forbidden in the Pleroma. They understood and shared the thoughts of the Logos, but they did not dare to openly support him, because they were afraid of the punishment of the omnipresent Bitos.

Forefather Logos continued his revelations. Zoë tried to stop her husband, because with his speech he sowed doubts about the justice of the laws of the Primordial Father and undermined his faith in Him. But the Logos was determined. He said that, despite the fact that so many millennia have passed, he still wants to talk directly with Bitos and is considering how to do this. Looking carefully at Teleta and his wife Sophia, he said that if nothing was done, their descendants would face the same fate and the First Father would not honor the revelation of the people who were in the Pleroma directly.

The Logos was about to call on the Aeons to express dissatisfaction with the forefather Nus or immediately the First-Father through Melchizedek, but the wife again intervened and managed to stop him in time. Having heeded her advice, the Logos decided to end his speech by thanking the audience.

Despite the fact that this time he had to retreat publicly so as not to sow confusion in the minds of descendants devoted to the Firstfather, the Logos did not give up and was about to achieve what he wanted, despite all the prohibitions.

Aeons, even after the fiery speech of the forefather, were determined to obey the laws. They felt that the words of the Logos were caused by emotions, and were convinced that the next morning he would deeply repent and, as before, would believe in the justice of the laws of Bitos.

When the Logos took his place next to Zoë, the Aeons, who first witnessed such a revelation, calmed down a bit. The forefather’s speech aroused mixed feelings among the audience, but, having humility, they decided to quickly forget about it. And only Tsarina Sophia, the youngest of the Aeons, was imbued with sympathy and, seeing wisdom in the words of the Logos, thought about how to restore justice.

Then Telet took the floor and, thanking Melchizedek for the service in the temple, as well as all the gathered Aeons, vowed to continue to abide by the laws received by the head of the clan many centuries ago.















































Сюжет грехопадения и изгнания первых людей из рая веками пленял воображение, вызывал много размышлений и дискуссий.

Но были и те, кто утверждал, что история в райском саду носит аллегорический характер. В ней сокрыт тайный смысл, иносказательно описывающий череду событий, происходивших в Плероме, высшем из духовных миров, которые привели к появлению материального мира.


   По мере развития сюжета в книге раскрывается причина человеческих страданий в материальном мире, почему душа человека всё время находится в смятении, о ком она так грустит. Также читатель узнаёт, почему люди всех национальностей и конфессий устремляются к Стене Плача. Что она символизирует? По древнему преданию, западная стена разделяет Плерому и Кеному, а Сирим, божественная душа, покинувшая Плерому (рай), каждую ночь прибывает к стене, чтобы пропеть грустную песнь, ту самую «Песнь Сирим», чтобы вознести молитву о спасении и загадать желание о скором воссоединении со своей матерью, старшей Софией (Эоном Софией). (ISBN: 978-5-4496-6019-0). (16+).



* Электронная версия (Литрес>), (Amazon>) и (Wildberries>).

Scheme of Pleroma and Kenoma. Gertcel Davydov

Схема Плеромы и Кеномы из книги «Песнь Сирим».
Составитель Герцель Д. (увеличить>>>)