

Mariadon and Makeda


Mariadon and Makeda 


The novel tells  the story of the King Solomon and Queen of Sheba.


The novel tells the story of the historical visit to Jerusalem by the Queen of Sheba, which occurred three thousand years ago. This visit is given special attention in all religions, but the visit itself, like its main characters, is shrouded in many secrets, myths and legends.


In the book “Mariadon and Maqueda”, based on historical facts and unique ancient texts, this visit is revealed from the other side. According to ancient legend, Makeda, the ruler of Sheba, fell in love in Jerusalem not with King Solomon, but with one of his close associates, Mariadon. This story also found its echoes in the main Masonic legend. (ISBN 978-5-4483-2299-0, 16+)

* New version of the book about the Queen of Sheba on liters ((Russian Edition. link>>).


English edition (link>>>)












Мариадон и Македа

автор Герцель Давыдов